Greedy Personal Injury Lawyer Trying to Buy Governor’s Office
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Just like clockwork, hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent by greedy personal injury lawyers in West Virginia to try and buy back power in our state. This year’s worst offender is Democratic candidate for Governor, Ben Salango. "Liberal Ben Salango is a greedy personal injury lawyer who sues job creators and healthcare providers to fund his lavish lifestyle and his quest for more and more political power," said Jordan Burgess, Executive Director of West Virginia Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse Through this summer, Ben Salango has raised nearly $400,000 from greedy personal injury lawyer interests and contributed himself over $606,500 in an attempt to buy this election. There has been a total of $1,005,365.40 of trial lawyer contributions to fund Salango's campaign for Governor. "Just two years ago, Ben Salango spent over $300,000 buying his wife a seat on the Kanawha County Circuit Court bench. That is chump change compared to what he is spending on this year’s election to try and buy his own way into the Governor’s mansion," continued Burgess. Over the last several years, the new conservative leadership team in Charleston has passed a significant amount of legal reform that was helping improve West Virginia’s economy, before the pandemic hit. Some of the personal injury lawyers have even had to put their houses up for sale, even the $13 million home in Quarry Creek, because the jackpot justice system has been greatly curtailed. "Ben Salango is just another inexperienced liberal trying to buy the Governor's mansion. It is clear that Salango is the candidate fighting against West Virginia job creators to benefit himself and his special interest donors," said Burgess. West Virginia Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse will continue to research and publish the obscene amount of money greedy personal injury lawyers spend trying to buy elections here in our state. Once again, it is up to all of us to tell them that West Virginia is NOT FOR SALE!